Indoor Air Quality Articles

Why Do I Need a Humidifier in the Fall?

September 16, 2024
Why Do I Need a Humidifier in the Fall? Cup of tea in front of a window with an autumn view.

Fall is a beautiful time of the year—but it comes with a drop in humidity levels. If you’re concerned about the humidity change and want to enhance your comfort inside your Friendsville home, installing a humidifier is an excellent option.

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Why You Need Whole-House Humidity Control

February 29, 2024
Why You Need Whole-House Humidity Control. Raindrop on window with Handle Blur tree background Rainy Season.

When indoor plumbing became more popular in the 1940s, a whole new level of comfort and convenience began for homeowners. However, with that convenience came new challenges. One of those challenges is controlling humidity levels so they remain safe and comfortable inside your home.

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Learn the Facts About Carbon Monoxide 

October 18, 2023
Learn the Facts About Carbon Monoxide. Woman watching technician installing a carbon monoxide detector in ceiling.

We often hear from Tennessee customers who want to understand the risks of carbon monoxide (CO). At A & L Heating and Air, we’re glad to share as much information as possible about protecting your indoor air quality (IAQ)—especially when it comes to the deadly nature of this silent killer. Carbon monoxide is an odorless…

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Your HVAC System Can Enhance Sleep

August 16, 2023
Image of person getting up from sleep. Your HVAC System Can Enhance Sleep.

The sound of a well-maintained heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system is like a lullaby for a good night’s sleep.   If odd sounds, such as banging, squealing, or rattling, from your HVAC system are keeping you up at night, it is time to schedule maintenance and regain a peaceful nighttime environment in your…

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4 Reasons to Replace Your Home’s Air Filter

March 15, 2023
Image of a dusty air filter. A & L Heating and Air.

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) filters and the late comedian Rodney Dangerfield have a lot in common. They both can tout, “I don’t get no respect!” Most people do not realize how pivotal the HVAC air filter is to both their homes and their HVAC systems. Respect Yourself, and Your Air Filter Here in…

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Why Is a Home Dehumidifier Important?

July 1, 2022
dehumidifier indoor air quality

Our professionals at A & L Heating & Air want to provide you with the information to create a healthy, comfortable environment for you and your family. Here is some important information about dehumidifiers and the role they play in your home’s health and comfort.

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Fall Indoor Air Quality

September 13, 2021
Fall Indoor Air Quality

With fall now upon us in Friendsville, cooler temperatures are here to stay. This transition from one season to another most definitely affects your home’s indoor air quality (IAQ). And your indoor air quality directly affects your comfort in your home.  At A & L Heating and Air, we know in cooler weather people tend…

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Air Filters vs. Air Cleaners

June 30, 2021
Air Filter

Our A & L Heating and Air team can help you choose an air treatment system that can meet the needs of your home.

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Why Air Duct Cleaning Is Important?

June 15, 2021
Close up horizontal photo of female hand cleaning dirty bathroom fan vent cover with blue sponge

You should consider having your air ducts cleaned if you notice any or all of the following situations in your home.

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What Are Zone Control Systems?

April 29, 2021
Pensive woman relaxing at home in winter

If you have a large home with multiple stories or a large household with family members who prefer different temperatures, consider installing a zone control system.

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